The identity, registered office and contact details of Funivia dell’Etna- Russo Morosoli Invest S.p.A. as supplier of the transport tickets offered for sale on the Site are as follows:
Russo Morosoli Invest S.p.A.
Registered office: Stazione Partenza Piazzale Funivia – Etna Sud Nicolosi Nord – 95030 Nicolosi (CT)
Share Capital: Euro 2,500,000.00 fully paid up
C.F. P.I.: 00749890877
Tel. +39 095 387426
E-mail: info@russomorosoliinvest.com
PEC: russomorosoliinvest@pec.it
URL: https://www.funiviaetna.com
Travellers are required to comply with this regulation and to observe the provisions issued by the Competent Authorities and the personnel of the Russo Morosoli Invest S.p.A. Company for the purposes of regularity and safety of the operation.
Violations of the ticketing regulations and the above will result in the immediate withdrawal of the ticket and the application of legislative sanctions.
The purchase of the ticket either at the ticket office or online implies the knowledge and acceptance of all the conditions established by this regulation displayed to the public at the ticket offices and published on the website www.funiviaetna.com
Before purchasing a ticket, the customer must obtain information about the range of tickets that can be purchased and the applicable tariff discounts, as well as the opening and closing times of the facility and the expected weather conditions.
The purchase of a ticket implies full knowledge and acceptance of these ticketing regulations, the regulations for the transport of persons and compliance with all safety conditions.
All users who wish to report disservices, malfunctions or simply suggestions for improving the service offered can send a report to assistenza@funiviaetna.com
All rates are – as a rule – applicable for the entire season in question. However, they may be modified at any time when significant changes in the cost of living or tax burden or other relevant events occur.
The prices indicated in the price lists are in Euros and include VAT in force at the time of purchase.
The declared concessions may be verified by the control personnel with a request to show supporting documentation.
The free fare for minors (under 5 years) can only be purchased if an adult simultaneously purchases a ticket of the same type and duration.
Children aged 5 to 10 pay the “reduced” rate.
All tickets are transport documents and are also valid as receipts (Ministerial Decree 30.06.1992) and must be kept for the entire duration of the journey. They are valid during the normal operating hours of the ski lift of the Russo Morosoli Invest S.p.A. company open to the public.
The purchase of the ticket only gives the right to use the facility for a single journey, on the day or days of validity provided.
The Company reserves the right, however, to establish a partial priority service for particular categories of users.
The ticket also entitles its purchaser to carry mountaineering equipment and a small, non-bulky piece of luggage. The transport of other goods must be agreed in advance with the Company within the limits of current legislation and operating regulations.
The transport of pets is permitted in the manner provided by law, by the operating regulations and in any case subject to prior authorisation on the specific instructions by the transport personnel.
RRusso Morosoli Invest spa informs, since it is a supply of services regarding leisure activities with a specific date or period of execution, reported on the transport ticket itself, pursuant to art. 59, I, letter n) of Legislative Decree 206/05 and subsequent amendments, the right of withdrawal pursuant to art. 52 of the same does not apply.
Therefore, the Customer will not be able to exercise any right of withdrawal in cases where, for safety reasons and/or other operational reasons (for example and not limited to, eruptive events, lack of electricity, bad weather, rain or low temperatures, maintenance of the systems, etc.), the service may be unavailable for short or long periods of time.
The Company also reserves the right to close or modify, at any time, both the means of transport and the altitude to be reached.
In all these cases, the partial or total refund of the access ticket is NOT foreseen, nor the validation of the same for another date.
Each guest must inform themselves through official channels, both institutional and of the Etna Cableway, before purchasing the ticket for any problems related to volcanic, climatic, technical or operational conditions that could limit the use of the services. The Company reserves, in any case, the right to change the dates and opening/closing times of the service.
The ticket, once validated at the first access, CANNOT be refunded under any circumstances (art. 74 DPR 633/72); it must be kept and shown in case of checks by the staff.
All tickets are strictly personal and non-transferable. Any abuse will result in their immediate withdrawal, the application of the sanctions provided by law and reporting to the competent Authorities.
In case of loss of the ticket, the customer must purchase a new travel ticket.
The customer is required to verify at the time of purchase that the type and price of the ticket purchased corresponds to what is requested.
Tickets for the Funivia dell’Etna – Russo Morosoli Invest S.p.A. can be purchased online by credit card on the website www.funiviaetna.com or through the links connected to it.
It is possible to purchase only the transport tickets listed and 24 hours a day, except for temporary interruptions – even without notice – due to technical reasons not attributable to the operator for any reason.
The manager’s liability is excluded for all inconveniences arising from the use of the internet due to an interruption of service or the presence of computer viruses and all other cases in which the jurisprudence defines force majeure.
Refusal of payment by the customer’s bank implies cancellation of the purchase process.
At the end of the purchase, the customer will receive the tickets in digital format by email, which can be used directly via smartphone or tablet to access the gates: they are valid as a purchase receipt and can be requested by the personnel in charge of controlling the facilities together with the identity document in the case of discounted rates.
Discounted tickets for residents of Catania and its province cannot be purchased online but only at authorized ticket offices and upon presentation of documentation proving the requested discount.
The purchaser is required to present the ticket, if requested, to the authorised surveillance personnel of the facilities of the Società Funivia dell’Etna – Russo Morosoli Invest S.p.A. In the case of discounted rates, he must show the relevant documentation.
These Conditions and all disputes regarding their execution, interpretation and validity are subject to Italian law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Catania.
The Customer residing in a member state of the European Union other than Italy may also access, for any dispute relating to the application, execution and interpretation of these General Conditions, the European procedure established for small claims disputes, by Regulation (EC) no. 861/2007 of the Council, of 11 July 2007, provided that the value of the dispute does not exceed, excluding interest, fees and expenses, Euro 2,000.00. The text of the regulation can be found on the website www.eur-lex.europa.eu
For anything not regulated, please refer to the regulations and notices displayed at the ticket offices and to the operating regulations.